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When the monkeys can be free?!!

Along time ago, there were an old man who lived in one of the China' states was able to survive by keeping a group of monkeys to serve him, so he was called the “Monkey Master”.

That old man was gathering the monkeys every morning in his yard and order the largest of them to lead the others to the mountains for collecting fruit from trees, so that each monkey would give a part of what he collected, and every monkey that failed to do would be punished by flogging without mercy.

The suffering of the monkeys was great, but none of them dared to complain.


One day a small monkey asked the others, saying: "Did the master plant all these trees?"

They answered him: “No, they grow on their own!”

Then the little monkey asked: "Can’t we take the fruit without the old man’s permission?!"

They answered him: "yes, we can".

The little monkey said: "Then why do we rely on the old man? Why should we serve him?!"


The monkeys then understood the little monkey's intention, and on the same night, when the man went to sleep, the monkeys came out of their cages, seized the fruit that the old man had stored, and took it into the forest. The monkeys never returned to the old man after that, and at the end the old man died of hunger..


That legend, shortly, is a summary of what happened and is happening in the black continent, that white master who enslaved its people for many years, and who became old and floundered right and left until others began competing with him for that sovereignty, and his monkeys were swept by waves of transformations seeking freedom from the restrictions of his enslavement. But this time, there is real liberation and not formality like that happened before, as the countries of the continent today witness many interactions that may be affected by international and regional situations.


On the international Level; On the one hand, there is the militarization of American and European policy towards the continent in general and the region in particular, which has emerged in the recent Libyan crisis. On the other hand, there is China’s clear economic influence that is growing, especially in financing dams in the Nile Basin region, which appeared in the crisis between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Renaissance Dam. As well as the European presence in the Sahel region to secure the borders with the help of Arab and African forces.


As for the regional level, there is another set of interactions. On the one hand, Turkey, Iran, and the Zionist entity seek to strengthen their influence in the Horn of Africa region as a gateway to the African interior, in addition to seeking to be present in the Sahel region as well. On the other hand, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia seek to strengthen their influence in the same regions. On the security and economic levels, which is confirmed by their participation in financing the security force of the African Sahel countries led by France and the United States, in addition to the UAE’s entry with Qatar and Turkey in the port race in the Horn of Africa - especially in Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland and Sudan-. The Arab Spring revolutions also had a significant impact on interactions in the region. For example, it led to a decline in the major Libyan role on the continent, and the Algerian-Moroccan rivalry has an active role in the African continent, that Morocco seeking to solve the Sahara problem, affecting Arab-African cooperation both negatively and positively.


All of these interactions confirm the master's old age and the emergence of new faces competing for the position of sovereignty on the continent. But this replacement and change coincides with the presence of a group of young monkeys who became aware of the fact that the old master enslaved them, which was based primarily on their weakness and their parents’ satisfaction with this tyranny, so they began to call for the necessity of liberation, and to leave the old master to his fate.


This is what we see clearly in the successive revolutionary waves in Sudan and Algeria and the ones that preceded them in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Burkina Faso and Ethiopia, the end of which cannot be expected yet.


Thus, the debate still exists between the white master who is controlling, misleading, and tormenting his slaves to achieve his goal of depleting their countries’ resources, and his old black monkeys who coexisted and adapted to him and his bad treatment of them that they considered to be his right, and the new generation of young monkeys that has become aware of the reality of the situation of the master who has no right to enslave them and own their land.


This generation began to strive to get out of that cage, break his restrictions, and lead the destiny of his country, monopolize his resources, and create his future..


Now we are waiting for an answer to on question; When the monkeys can be free?!!

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